burning fat

How To Quickly Burn Stomach Fat

A flat belly is all the rave these days.

It’s unbelievable!

“How do I burn stomach fat?” This is the burning question everyone desperate to shed belly fat is asking.

The greatest concern for most people looking to get a flat belly, is how to burn unwanted stomach fat they have accumulated over the years.  

Having excess stomach fat makes you feel terrible about yourself. No matter what you do to burn stomach fat, whether exercise, diet or pills, your waistline continues to be a constant mock every time you look at the mirror.

Carrying extra fat is not only unattractive, but unhealthy.

Excess fat puts you at greater risk of heart diseases and diabetes. If you’ve been struggling to have a flat belly, don’t worry, you’re not alone.

It’s all about the food.

The secret: better nutrition

To gain control of your waistline, you must burn off the stomach fat. Follow these proven tips to burn extra stomach fat and you are on your way to a healthier, sexier you in no time flat.

First things first.

You need to understand that a flat belly is made in the kitchen, and not the gym. Don’t kid yourself. You can do thousands of crunches and sit-ups but this will not be adequate enough to get a flat stomach. 

Fad diets and miracle diet pills won’t help either.

If you really want to burn stomach fat quickly, you have to change your habits.

The first step is learning to eat well. Eat foods with less glycemic carbs (no sugars, no starches) as well as high fiber and healthy fats (Omega-3).  It’s ok to eat at night, but keep it light.

Take a leafy salad with a low calorie vinaigrette and lean meat. To get started, discover these five amazing foods which quickly burn stomach fat.Forget about diet plans. These will do you more harm than good. This is because they reduce your body’s metabolism and as a result, cutting down your chances of burning even more stomach fat.

The problem is people tend to starve themselves, only to end up overeating hence increasing the likelihood of an even fatter belly.

To help you understand more about this and why dieting isn’t the way to go, here’s the real reason why diets never work.

Go easy on Junk food.

Cut junk food

We love it and can’t have enough of it but we have to draw the line at these little indulgencies. This means no late night desserts, no more high sugar foods or high fat snacks.

Find some alternatives while you keep away from these cravings. Some good examples include sugar free pudding or no added sugar apple sauce. If you really must indulge, then set one day a week that you can treat yourself but don’t go overboard.

Eat about 5-6 short meals daily every 2-3 hours.

No more skipping breakfast, no more starving yourself and definitely no more going for long periods without eating.

It’s a proven fact that short frequent meals help speed up body metabolism and burn more calories than you consume.

Start drinking more water, especially before you eat. This will help fill you up. Start drinking green tea as well. It’s fat burning properties are well known. Limit your salt intake to reduce excess water weight.

Get your blood flowing. We don’t mean going to the gym if it’s not your thing because it feels like hard work.

Engage in some intense physical exercise, especially something fun.

It could be anything from cycling, housework, dancing, vigorous cardio, swimming to taking a short brisk walk. Whatever it is, it must something you really enjoy doing.

A flat sexy tummy won’t come easy, so you need to stay focused.

While at it, have fun and never give up. For more useful tips on how to burn stomach fat and get the flat belly, remember to check out our other articles about losing weight.

Good Luck!

About fanboy

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